Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Strawberry Banana Chocolate Yogurt

When I get hungry between meals I usually want something sweet...

It's a bad habit, but if I don't satisfy my craving I'm a lot more likely to eat a jar of nutella. That would be bad... yet soo sooo good. Catch 22 right there :)

Anyways I've never really been much of a yogurt person but I just recently bought a pretty large tub of it and I ate it all within a week.

There are a ridiculous amount of choices of different kinds of yogurt. I spent about 15 minutes reading labels and decided on which one to purchase.

I wanted to keep it healthy but didn't want to spend a crazy amount of money on yogurt. Just didn't seem right to me.

I decided on an "Anderson Erickson" YoLite Fat-Free Vanilla Yogurt With Fiber.

It's sweetened with Splenda and has no sugar added.

This was really good for a snack but would make a good breakfast choice as well.

I usually eat about 1/2 c. of yogurt per serving (even tho the container says 1 cup is a serving)

Nurtritional Value per 1/2 c. of yogurt

calories: 55
zero fat
cholesterol: 2.5mg
sodium: 65mg
potassium: 210mg
carbs: 8.5g
fiber: 1.5g
sugars: 6g
protein: 4.5g


1/2 c. fat-free vanilla yogurt
1/4 c. strawberries, sliced
1/2 banana, sliced
1 Tbsp. dark chocolate chips
1 tsp. honey or agave nectar (optional)


Mix everything together and enjoy!

**I thought this was sweet enough without honey after I ate it that way. It wasn't overwhelming but you could definitely go without.


Zoe said...

Love this guilt-free healthy snack! :D

Thanks for following my blog and I'm here to follow yours too. Hope to hear from you again :D

Unknown said...

Great healthy snack!

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