Wednesday, March 28, 2012

101 Reasons Why I Love You

This last Christmas I wanted to give Jared another present but I was already over my budget... You know how that goes I'm sure!

Chloe was napping and I was doodling with some pretty pens I had.

I have seen other posts on lists of proclaimed love for another but I wanted to do something just a little different....and something more personal.

So I took a regular piece of paper and folded it in half (like a hot dog), and then I folded it three more times in a way that it looked like an accordion.

On the outside page I wrote "101 Reasons Why I Love You." I took six different colored pens I had and started numbering the page 1 to 101.

Then came the easy part.

Under each number I wrote a reason for my love for him. The hardest part was keeping all of the reasons in my head. They seemed to be pouring in all at once!

It took longer because I wanted to keep the pretty colors in a certain order.

When I was done I wrapped it up in some scraps of Christmas paper and put it in his stocking.

I think it was one of his favorite presents... He still reads it at least every other day. It sits in his office on his desk :)

I think you could also make this list for a child, parent, sibling, etc... Anyone you love!
If you wanted to make it more fancy you could print it or write it on pretty paper and frame it for them!

Here is what was on my list:

  1. You are my soulmate.
  2. You put me first. Always.
  3. You think my imperfections are beautiful.
  4. You can always make me laugh.
  5. Your touch is magical.
  6. You are even more cheesy than I am.
  7. You gave us a beautiful daughter.
  8. You help me pick out an outfit every day.
  9. You work hard for us.
  10. You love time with me.
  11. Your kisses are amazing.
  12. I can talk to you about anything.
  13. You know all of my secrets.
  14. You are always there.
  15. You have a sweet smile.
  16. All I think about is you when you aren't with me.
  17. You love PDA.
  18. Waking up to you.
  19. You never give up on me.
  20. Love you look in a suit.
  21. How ticklish you are.
  22. You are honest with me.
  23. Growing old doesn't sound so bad with you.
  24. How your phone sounds on the phone.
  25. How open we are.
  26. The way you look at me.
  27. We are running away together.
  28. You always have good intentions.
  29. You are strong in every way.
  30. You aren't always gentle.
  31. How you refuse to ever completely grow up.
  32. Your elf voice.
  33. You aren't afraid to cry.
  34. You are smart.
  35. You're an amazing dad.
  36. The way you walk.
  37. We are often thinking the same things.
  38. You aren't a bully.
  39. You make me feel beautiful.
  40. You are willing to forgive.
  41. You are a dreamer like me.
  42. The first and last person I've ever really loved.
  43. You always get the door.
  44. You know when I'm not OK.
  45. You are charming.
  46. You give the best hugs.
  47. The most amazing moments have been with you.
  48. We just fit together.
  49. Our life.
  50. The sound of your laugh.
  51. The way you dress.
  52. You don't ignore me during UFC or football games.
  53. How jelaous you can get.
  54. That we shower together.
  55. How others are jealous of us.
  56. How much we cuddle.
  57. You would do anything for me.
  58. I'm always included in your plans.
  59. How you love to annoy me.
  60. That we talk all day.
  61. We never have enough time together.
  62. You love Christmas as much as I do.
  63. Having drinks together.
  64. I can be silly around you.
  65. Wrestling with you.
  66. Getting hot chocolate.
  67. You're always there when I wake up.
  68. You like trying new things.
  69. You love chick flicks.
  70. You're never bored with me.
  71. You gave me a beautiful ring.
  72. Love that we have a home together.
  73. You always want to know what I think.
  74. You respect me.
  75. You never say bad things about me to others.
  76. You are nothing like the typical guy.
  77. Your massages.
  78. Your tattoos.
  79. How we always want each other.
  80. You can make me smile without even being here.
  81. You are giving me your last name.
  82. The highlight of my day is you coming home.
  83. I look forward to retiring with you.
  84. All I think about is you.
  85. All I talk about is you.
  86. Private.
  87. That I tell you I love you when you're asleep.
  88. You hold my hair when I'm sick.
  89. I'd rather you take care of me than the #1 doctor.
  90. How you treated me when I was pregnant.
  91. If I'm not sitting by you it's a catastrophe.
  92. How you make fun of me when I use big words.
  93. How easy it was to write this list.
  94. Your soft lips.
  95. Holding hands with you.
  96. You never make me feel stupid.
  97. You love my cooking.
  98. You are my rock. Always.
  99. You never want to hurt me.
  100. You are OK with making fun of me.
  101. I love you for you.


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